daily photo blog by Alicia Millane

Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21, 2008

Mark my words, give it an hour maybe two, keep a weather eye out and there will be white sails on that horizon.

- Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

I shall tread, another year,
Ways I walked with Grief,
Past the dry, ungarnered ear
And the brittle leaf.

I shall stand, a year apart,
Wondering, and shy,
Thinking, "Here she broke her heart;
Here she pled to die."

I shall hear the pheasants call,
And the raucous geese;
Down these ways, another Fall,
I shall walk with Peace.

But the pretty path I trod
Hand-in-hand with Love-
Underfoot, the nascent sod,
Brave young boughs above,

And the stripes of ribbon grass
By the curling way-
I shall never dare to pass
To my dying day.

- Dorothy Parker, "Paths"

I many times thought Peace had come
When Peace was far away;
As Wrecked Men -- deem they sight the Land;
At Centre of the Sea;

And struggle slacker -- but to prove
As hopelessly as I;
How many the fictitious Shores;
Before the Harbor be.

- Emily Dickinson, "I many times thought Peace had come"