daily photo blog by Alicia Millane

Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 2024

Window watching is always an expectation for dogs that it's good for them to look out of the window. Unfortunately, it gives our dogs a chance to reinforce the bad behavior of becoming more protective. Your dog sees an intruder (people, dogs, squirrels, or the mailman). Your dog then continues to bark, and the trigger goes away. Dog's do not realize that the mailman would leave anyway and has other deliveries. Then your dog stops barking or comes to get you to show you that they did a great job. If dogs don't have a job, they will create one. No, it is never doing dishes or folding laundry. It is constantly barking, new bad habits that can feed into the protection cycle. The more the dog window watches or hours spent in the backyard on "protection" duty causes the annoying behavior to strengthen.

- a-zdogs.com (Oct 13, 2021)